Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sara and Jake are on a co-ed soccer team and they play at a field in south Clearfield not far from Sara's house.  Jenny also plays with them.  All three are great players. 

Jake scores with the help of Jenny.  Way to go.  It's been fun to watch their games. 

Our yearly Robin family raised three chicks again this year under our back deck and they flew the coop last Monday morning.  I saw one the the young Robin on the swing set this morning.  they are about half the size of the grown ups. 

We wanted a fire pit for some time and this week I built one.  I set it on a concret ring so later one we will add a couple of mounds of dirt around the pit and plant some small trees and flowers.  Also we will add stone or cement patio blocks between the pit and mounds.  We may in time add a small water fall.  The family will enjoy this I'm sure. 

I signed up for a booth at the 4th of July activities and Ben is putting his Jeep in the prade and also in the car show the night before.  It will be neat to have all the family here for the fourth and taking part in it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

We try to attend the kids sports.  We don't get to all of them.  Here is Jack playimg T-ball.  He does a good job.

Liz loves vegetables so she is helping Fred with the garden.  She planted alot of peppers. We will be able to have peppers three times a day.

Liz, Jake, Fed and I went to Antelope Island.   I have never seen this many ducks in my life.  The seagulls make the ducks all go under water and causes the wave

Jake thought he could rope the calf, but I guess the calf was too fast.

We saw a huge buffalo.  Actually we saw several.  Some were taking baths in the dust. One tried to beat Fred to the drivers seat.

Liz made this beautiful fruit bouquet.  I love it.

Liz also made this beautiful cake for Afton's birthday.  She also loved it.

Afton blowing out the candles. 

 We took the kids to Golden Spike Train reinactment/  They had a great time. I have the best grandkids ever.

One of the engines the kids got to go through.